Monday, May 7, 2012

Britnee's Blab

The raw food diet has changed my life in so many aspects. When I initially embarked on this journey it was solely to lose weight. That was my focus, and the pounds starting melting off right away.  I realized I was missing the big picture here. I wanted to become healthy, and if losing weight came with it will then it was just an added bonus. I knew how unhealthy I was and had been for years. I tried everything under the sun multiple diets, diet pills, exercise. I had come to the conclusion that nothing would work. Maybe I had another health issue that I was unaware of that was preventing me from losing weight? I followed all these crazy diets down to the t and still no results. I had given up hope of ever shedding these pounds or getting healthy. It just didn't seem like it would ever happen. I was always the chunky girl, and for once I wanted to take control and make a change.

Immediately I began to feel so much better. I started to feel alive! I know this probably sounds extremely corny but it is the only way I know how to describe it. The fog in my head cleared out and everything became clear. Colors were brighter and life became an amazing journey. The amount of energy I now had was out of this world. Only to make me think that I was walking around like a zombie before. The standard American diet was really weighing me down in more ways that one. Nothing or no one could hold me back.  I was on top of the world! There was no looking back from this point I was determined to get healthy.

I have been a raw vegan for a year and a half and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I still have work to do. I want to be the healthiest I can be. I have made some great progress and wanted to share with all of you. I want to inspire others to take control of their health. I never knew how good I could actually feel, and I want to spread the word! If I can do this so can you! :) 

Stay Healthy Friends!

My husband has also started this journey with me and he has lost a whopping 101lbs.

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