Friday, October 26, 2012

Cesar Salad Dressing

Lately I have been having a difficult time getting my greens on. I just don't have the urge to have salads lately, but i need those greens! Dark leafy greens are a very important aspect to your diet. Calorie for calorie dark leafy greens are the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food. These greens are essential! They are a rich source of minerals, and vitamins. So, to help me over come my anti-salad slump I started using this delicious salad dressing. I honestly cant stop scarfing down the greens! For this salad I usually throw in romaine, spring mix, cherry tomatoes and a little onion. Feel free to add any vegetables you would like.


2 skinned zucchini squash
4 cloves garlic
2 tsp cappers
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
1 juiced lemon
2 tsp nama shoyu
2 tbsp olive oil (feel free to leave this out if you are watching your fat)
1 tsp pepper
pinch of salt

Place all ingredients into vita mix and blend away till smooth. Place a top your favorite greens and vegetables and devour.

- Britnee <3

                                                       Watch the YouTube video here 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Shelly's blood Test Results


Just a little blurb to let you guys in on my blood test results.  I had started to keep track of my test results back in 2006 when I was really sick.  My cholesterol was a whopping 210.  Now, I know doctors will tell you that 210 isn't such a bad number.  In my opinion and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's opinion, they couldn't be more wrong!  In his book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Dr. Esselstyn says to be heart attack proof that you're cholesterol should be 150 or less.  I also show you my B12 results, my glucose numbers and more.  If you haven't started this way of life yet, hopefully this will inspire you to do so.  We all deserve to live a healthy happy life!

Watch the YouTube video below


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Recipe: Peach Pleasure Smoothie

October 15, 2012

Hello everyone!  This video was lost in the summer shuffle.  We are a little late for peach season, but we thought we should put it up anyhow.  If you are in the Hanford area and reading this, please note that you can still get lots of peaches at the Monday Sale.  Hope you like the smoothie!

Peach Pleasure Smoothie

5 peaches
3 dates
2-3 frozen bananas
Water to get the blender moving

Place peaches, dates and water into the blender until they start to mix.  Add bananas and continue blending until smooth.  Drink up! 



Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homemade Deodorant

Hello my stinky friends!  Lol, just kidding.  I started making my own deodorant a while back and thought I'd share this with you.  This has never let me down.  Even on a super hot day.  It's all the things we love here at  Simple, cheap and easy!  Kinda like me back in the day!!!!!!!!!  Oh boy, do I have jokes :)  Hope you like the recipe.


1/4 cup of Baking Soda
1/4 cup of Corn Starch
1/4 cup plus one tablespoon of Coconut oil

Place all ingredients in a bowl and stir till well combined and smooth.  Pour mixture into small dixie cups and place in fridge to solidify.  In cooler weather you may be able to keep it in your bathroom.  It's pretty hot most of the time where I live so I opt to keep mine in the fridge.  Coconut oil melts at around 75 degrees, so keep that in mind.  When ready to use, simply tear off a small amount of the dixie cup so that the top of the solid mixture is exposed enough to glide on easily.

Watch the YouTube video here

Not real fancy, but it works!  Just peel a little off at a time to be able to apply it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Recipe: Popsicle's!

Who doesn't love popsicle's??  These are fun and simple.  Packed with everything kids like and everything parents want them to eat.  Give it a try!  If you don't have a Popsicle tray like we show in the video, do what we did when I was a kid.  Take a regular ice tray and fill it up as you normally would when making ice.  Place plastic wrap over the top and push toothpics thru the plastic wrap to form the handle.  Freeze and enjoy!

Watch the YouTube video here 


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Recipe Green Draaaank!

Hi everyone!  Just wanted to share another trick with you about how I keep the pain and inflammation down in my body.  I drink green juice everyday and boy does it do wonders.  I've tried several times to go without it and my pain always comes back.  So, instead of taking pills I drink my juice knowing that I'm not taking something that may have horrible side effects, like sudden death!  Some of those medicine commercials are pretty scary.  I avoid drugs, legal or otherwise, at all costs.  Hopefully, this can help you reduce or get rid of any medications you may currently be taking.  Just remember this must be done on a consistent basis.  Enjoy!

Simple Green Draaaank Recipe   *We like to say it Lil' John style with chalice in hand*


2 heads organic celery
3 lemons peeled
1 bunch organic parsley
1 bunch organic cilantro

Run them all thru your juicer.  Strain or not. Drink to your liking.  I like to add freshly squeezed  o.j. , and coconut water to mine. Fresh n Easy sells an o.j. that is freshly squeezed and unpasturized!!!!  Go F n E!! Grapefruit would also be a great addition here as well. Store in mason jars filled to the very top to reduce oxidation of the juice.  Mine lasts for 4 or 5 days in the fridge this way.  Of course, it is always best to drink it right away if you can juice freshly every time.

Watch the YouTube Video here