Thursday, November 15, 2012

Waldorf Salad

I just got done polishing off  the Waldorf Salad.  All I can say is yuuuuummmmy! Such a simple recipe to throw together.  I suggest making the mayonnaise the day before that way all you have to do is chop, stir and plate.  If you don't want to, or can't make the raw vegan mayo then feel free to use Veganaise in it's place.  It won't be 100% raw, but what party pooper is keeping track on Thanksgiving anyway?  Just keep it Vegan and no one gets hurt, literally :)

Waldorf Salad

2 apples + l tsp of lemon juice (which I forgot to do in the video)
1 cup grapes, halved
1/2 cup celery
1/2 cup raw mayonnaise (recipe here)
1/4 cup pecans, walnuts, ect....your choice
 1 head butter lettuce

Chop apples into bite sized cubes. Finely chop celery.  Cut grapes in half.  Place all ingredients except butter lettuce into bowl and stir.

Use the butter lettuce to line a serving tray or make single servings.  Any way you serve it, it should be gone in no time!  Happy Thanksgiving!!

Watch the Video here

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pumpkin Pie 

 The season is upon us.  If you haven't been bombarded with advertisements and Christmas catalogs enough already, here come the holiday recipes!  I used to gain about 10 lbs every year starting at Halloween.  Not the last 3 though!!! Gone are those days of feeling helpless to stop eating when you know you should.  Raw food is the most awesome way to nourish yourself.  I'm thankful every day that I just dove in and went for it.  If you haven't already, get out there and do it!

 I tried to make this recipe as simple as I could.  I wanted to make sure I used the most common items I could find to make this recipe.  Some of the items you might not have in your cupboards, but they aren't that hard to get either.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  Britnee and Beto are eating it as I type this!

 Watch the YouTube video here


1 1/2 cup almonds (soaked and dried is best)
2 tbsp. raw turbinado sugar
1/2 tbsp mesquite powder
dash sea salt
4 pitted dates
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup of  melted coconut oil or coconut butter

Place almonds in food processor and process to a fine grain consistency.  Not grainy, but not floury.  Somewhere in between like this.

Add in raw sugar, mesquite and dash of salt.  Process for a few seconds.  Next, tear dates into chunks and place in processor.  Process until incorporated.  Slowly drizzle vanilla and coconut oil down processor tube until the mixture starts to clump up.  Stop processor and check the crust to see if when smashed between your fingers it sticks together like this.

Pour half of the nut crust into a 9 inch pie plate.  Start forming your crust to the sides of the plate simply by pressing mixture into the sides.  After the sides are complete, pour the rest of nut mixture into the bottom of the pan and pressing it in to the pan.  Place crust into freezer while preparing the filling.



1 1/2 cups coconut milk  (store bought or  recipe here)
1 cup pitted dates
1 tbsp agave (optional)
dash salt
1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
1 15 oz can organic pumpkin
1/2 cup coconut oil

Place coconut milk, agave and dates in VitaMix. Blend on high until dates are completely blended.  Add dash salt and pumpkin pie spice.  Blend for about 20 seconds.  Add pumpkin and blend till smooth.  Drizzle coconut oil slowly while blender is running.  Similar to the way you would make mayonaise.  Let this blend for about 30 seconds after adding coconut oil.  Pour into pie crust and freeze for at least 3 hours.  I personally like to freeze it overnight then take it out and let it sit in my fridge for a day or two.  All the flavors seem to mellow out and come together even better that way.  Then it's one less thing you have to do on Thanksgiving day.  This pie is amazing!  I hope you love it!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone <3

*** Remember when making this that all canned pumpkin is different.  You may need less or more liquid depending on the consistency of the pumpkin.  My pumpkin was really dense.  I bought it at Trader Joes.  I would think something like Libby's brand would need a little less milk.  Maybe subtract 1/3 c coconut milk if using a more liquidy (is that even a word?) brand! 


Friday, October 26, 2012

Cesar Salad Dressing

Lately I have been having a difficult time getting my greens on. I just don't have the urge to have salads lately, but i need those greens! Dark leafy greens are a very important aspect to your diet. Calorie for calorie dark leafy greens are the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food. These greens are essential! They are a rich source of minerals, and vitamins. So, to help me over come my anti-salad slump I started using this delicious salad dressing. I honestly cant stop scarfing down the greens! For this salad I usually throw in romaine, spring mix, cherry tomatoes and a little onion. Feel free to add any vegetables you would like.


2 skinned zucchini squash
4 cloves garlic
2 tsp cappers
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
1 juiced lemon
2 tsp nama shoyu
2 tbsp olive oil (feel free to leave this out if you are watching your fat)
1 tsp pepper
pinch of salt

Place all ingredients into vita mix and blend away till smooth. Place a top your favorite greens and vegetables and devour.

- Britnee <3

                                                       Watch the YouTube video here 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Shelly's blood Test Results


Just a little blurb to let you guys in on my blood test results.  I had started to keep track of my test results back in 2006 when I was really sick.  My cholesterol was a whopping 210.  Now, I know doctors will tell you that 210 isn't such a bad number.  In my opinion and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's opinion, they couldn't be more wrong!  In his book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Dr. Esselstyn says to be heart attack proof that you're cholesterol should be 150 or less.  I also show you my B12 results, my glucose numbers and more.  If you haven't started this way of life yet, hopefully this will inspire you to do so.  We all deserve to live a healthy happy life!

Watch the YouTube video below


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Recipe: Peach Pleasure Smoothie

October 15, 2012

Hello everyone!  This video was lost in the summer shuffle.  We are a little late for peach season, but we thought we should put it up anyhow.  If you are in the Hanford area and reading this, please note that you can still get lots of peaches at the Monday Sale.  Hope you like the smoothie!

Peach Pleasure Smoothie

5 peaches
3 dates
2-3 frozen bananas
Water to get the blender moving

Place peaches, dates and water into the blender until they start to mix.  Add bananas and continue blending until smooth.  Drink up! 



Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homemade Deodorant

Hello my stinky friends!  Lol, just kidding.  I started making my own deodorant a while back and thought I'd share this with you.  This has never let me down.  Even on a super hot day.  It's all the things we love here at  Simple, cheap and easy!  Kinda like me back in the day!!!!!!!!!  Oh boy, do I have jokes :)  Hope you like the recipe.


1/4 cup of Baking Soda
1/4 cup of Corn Starch
1/4 cup plus one tablespoon of Coconut oil

Place all ingredients in a bowl and stir till well combined and smooth.  Pour mixture into small dixie cups and place in fridge to solidify.  In cooler weather you may be able to keep it in your bathroom.  It's pretty hot most of the time where I live so I opt to keep mine in the fridge.  Coconut oil melts at around 75 degrees, so keep that in mind.  When ready to use, simply tear off a small amount of the dixie cup so that the top of the solid mixture is exposed enough to glide on easily.

Watch the YouTube video here

Not real fancy, but it works!  Just peel a little off at a time to be able to apply it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Recipe: Popsicle's!

Who doesn't love popsicle's??  These are fun and simple.  Packed with everything kids like and everything parents want them to eat.  Give it a try!  If you don't have a Popsicle tray like we show in the video, do what we did when I was a kid.  Take a regular ice tray and fill it up as you normally would when making ice.  Place plastic wrap over the top and push toothpics thru the plastic wrap to form the handle.  Freeze and enjoy!

Watch the YouTube video here 


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Recipe Green Draaaank!

Hi everyone!  Just wanted to share another trick with you about how I keep the pain and inflammation down in my body.  I drink green juice everyday and boy does it do wonders.  I've tried several times to go without it and my pain always comes back.  So, instead of taking pills I drink my juice knowing that I'm not taking something that may have horrible side effects, like sudden death!  Some of those medicine commercials are pretty scary.  I avoid drugs, legal or otherwise, at all costs.  Hopefully, this can help you reduce or get rid of any medications you may currently be taking.  Just remember this must be done on a consistent basis.  Enjoy!

Simple Green Draaaank Recipe   *We like to say it Lil' John style with chalice in hand*


2 heads organic celery
3 lemons peeled
1 bunch organic parsley
1 bunch organic cilantro

Run them all thru your juicer.  Strain or not. Drink to your liking.  I like to add freshly squeezed  o.j. , and coconut water to mine. Fresh n Easy sells an o.j. that is freshly squeezed and unpasturized!!!!  Go F n E!! Grapefruit would also be a great addition here as well. Store in mason jars filled to the very top to reduce oxidation of the juice.  Mine lasts for 4 or 5 days in the fridge this way.  Of course, it is always best to drink it right away if you can juice freshly every time.

Watch the YouTube Video here

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Recipe Raw Vegan Cheeze

Everyone needs something cheezy in their life!  This is seriously better than the real thing in my opinion.  I love to dip carrots in this and chow down. You can also take this and spread it on dehydrator sheets and make "cheez-it's".  They taste great and are totally addictive.  Enjoy!


1 cup cashews soaked for about 2 hours

1/2 red bellpepper
1/4 cup water
1 tbsp. tahini
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 1/2 tsp salt (or to taste)
2 tsp onion powder
1 clove garlic
2 tbsp lemon juice

Place all ingredients into Vita-Mix and blend till smooth.  Will most likely require the tamper to keep things moving along.

Shelly <3 

Watch the YouTube Video.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How much $ does it cost being 80/10/10? And the Lose it! Application

I saved all my receipts and calculated it out to determine the amount it would cost to follow the 80/10/10 lifestyle. I go over in detail what I had for the day and the average price of each food. We also discuss a great application we use on our phones to help us track our daily carbohydrate/protein/fat ratio. The Lose It! app is super easy, simple, and free so check it out! 

Watch the YouTube video here.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shelly's Journey to 80/10/10

I have decided to take the next step and kick it up a notch. I have been following the 80/10/10 diet for about a month, and the benefits are truly amazing.  We discuss it in this video,  take a look. :) 

Shelly & Britnee

Watch the YouTube video here

Why Vegan?

There are so many reasons to go Vegan! In this video we cover our top ten most important reasons. :) Initially going Vegan was to improve our health, and after time we began to discover all of the other benefits such as saving animals and our planet. Check out the Video.

Shelly & Britnee

Watch the YouTube video here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Recipe: Mexican Salad

When I first embarked on my raw food journey I had this salad every day. I love the spiciness and the powerful flavors. I currently will make this salad 2-3 times a week. I can't get enough of the fresh flavors! I hope you all enjoy this salad as much as I do!


1 chopped head romaine lettuce
1/4- 1/2 cup corn
1/4 cup guacamole

Place your romaine lettuce in a medium sized bowl and begin layering your salad! I like to do corn, salsa, and top it off with guac!


                                                                    Watch the Youtube video here.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Recipe:  Pico De Gallo Salsa

Salsa Salsa Salsa!!!!! Oh how I can eat some salsa. I'm telling you I can just eat it by the spoon full. I love the spiciness and the freshness of homemade salsa. Making your own salsa has to be one of the simplest recipes out there but hardly anyone does it. I would much rather take a fresh homemade salsa over a packaged or canned any day. I love to experiment with making different types. This pico de gallo is one of the simplest salsas but has some kick! You can adjust that kick by adding more or less serrano chilies. Kick up the spice and dig in!


4-6 diced juicy ripe tomatoes
2 small limes juiced
2 cloves chopped garlic
1/4 cup diced red onion
1-2  finely chopped serrano chilies
1/2 of a lemon juiced
1/4 cup diced cilantro
salt to taste

Combine all ingredient into bowl and stir. Best to let sit for an hour so all flavors can marinate. 

- Britnee <3 

Join us on YouTube

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Recipe: Guacamole

Guaca---mole mole mole! Every time I say guacamole I think of Austin Powers. Any who back on track, guacamole! Avocados are vegan's "meat" we need that healthy fat! Avocados contribute nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds. Guacamole is super easy to make too! Most people probably don't even realize how simple it actually is,  or how to make it. I will always opt for making homemade guac over store bought any day! When selecting avocados for this recipe make sure you get some that are slightly soft when squeezing them. When selecting avocados don't pick the ones that feel like a stone that wont taste so swell. If you do happen to select the stone avocados you can however speed up the ripening process by placing it in a brown paper bag with an apple.


2 avocados
1/2 a lemon juiced
1/8 cup finely chopped red onion
1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro
salt to taste
serrano chilies to your taste (optional if you would like some spice in your life :)

Start by combining the avocados and lemon juice in a bowl. Use a fork or potato masher to mash the avocado to create a creamy texture. Next add in all the remaining ingredients,and stir everything together.

- Britnee <3

See the YouTube video here

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Recipe: Fruity Berry Salad

Sweet Tahini Dressing

1/2 cup of tahini
1/2 cup of water
1 tbsp olive oil
5 stalks of celery
3 tbsp honey or 2 tbsp of agave (keepin it vegan)
1 lemon juiced
1/4 tsp sea salt

Place all ingredients into VitaMix and blend until smooth.

Fruity Berry Salad

1 chopped head of romaine lettuce
1/2 cup chopped strawberries
1/4 cup blueberries
1/8 cup sliced almonds
1/8-1/4 cup of sweet tahini dressing
Place your chopped romaine into a large bowl, top with strawberries, blueberries, and nuts of your choice. Drizzle on the sweet tahini dressing.

- Britnee <3

 Watch the YouTube video here.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tips for beginning Raw Foodies

We have had quite a few people contacting us wanting to get started. We are always here to help and wanted to share our tips. We hope this information is helpful for you all. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Be selfish, stay focused and regain your health!

<3 Shelly & Britnee 

Watch the YouTube video here.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Recipe: Tahini

All you need for this is 2 cups unhulled sesame seeds, a handy dandy food processor and a little patience.  Simply place the sesame seeds in the food processor fitted with the s-blade attachment.

Process on high for approximately 8-10 minutes or until the sesame seeds forms a paste similar to the photos below.  Remember to stop the processor every minute or so to scrape down the sides. Happy Processing! Store in the refrigerator in an air tight container. Will stay good for about one week.

Watch the YouTube video here.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Recipe: Raw Vegan Alfredo Pasta
 Alfredo pasta, Yes please! I love me some pasta! Pasta and bread were my go to foods while on a sad (Standard American Diet) diet. With this Alfredo dish it has really helped me get through my pasta cravings. The creaminess of the pasta hits the spot every time!


2-3 zucchini squash  
1 cup soaked cashews
1-1 1/2 clove garlic
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp miso
1 tsp dijon mustard

To make your noodles you can peel the zucchini into thin strips or use a slicer. Make your noodles and set aside in a large bowl. Add remaining ingredients into VitaMix and blend. Mix in Alfredo sauce to your noodles. Serve and garnish with parsley if desired. 

 Watch the YouTube video here.


 These things crack me up!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Recipe: Awesome Asparagus Quinoa Salad


2 cups sprouted or cooked quinoa
1 bunch asparagus
1 container cherry tomatoes, cut in halves or quarters
Green onions to taste, sliced thinly 
Juice of two lemons
Salt to taste

Trim asparagus by holding asparagus at each end and bending the stalk until the asparagus snaps.  Save the woodier end portion for juice or composting. Take the tip portion and slice into thin pieces. I cut mine on bias.

Place the asparagus in a bowl with the lemon juice.  Stir every once in a while to make sure all pieces come in contact with the juice.  Do this so the asparagus will break down a bit.  The time you let the asparagus soak will be up to you.  I believe I soaked mine for about 2 hours. 

After asparagus is to your liking, take your quinoa and place it in a bowl.  Just add asparagus, some of the juice from the soaked asparagus, cherry tomatoes and green onion.  Stir and taste.  Add more juice if it needs it and salt is to your preference.  That's just how easy it is to make a delicious asparagus summer salad. 

- Shelly <3

Watch the YouTube Video here.