Thursday, October 4, 2012

Recipe Green Draaaank!

Hi everyone!  Just wanted to share another trick with you about how I keep the pain and inflammation down in my body.  I drink green juice everyday and boy does it do wonders.  I've tried several times to go without it and my pain always comes back.  So, instead of taking pills I drink my juice knowing that I'm not taking something that may have horrible side effects, like sudden death!  Some of those medicine commercials are pretty scary.  I avoid drugs, legal or otherwise, at all costs.  Hopefully, this can help you reduce or get rid of any medications you may currently be taking.  Just remember this must be done on a consistent basis.  Enjoy!

Simple Green Draaaank Recipe   *We like to say it Lil' John style with chalice in hand*


2 heads organic celery
3 lemons peeled
1 bunch organic parsley
1 bunch organic cilantro

Run them all thru your juicer.  Strain or not. Drink to your liking.  I like to add freshly squeezed  o.j. , and coconut water to mine. Fresh n Easy sells an o.j. that is freshly squeezed and unpasturized!!!!  Go F n E!! Grapefruit would also be a great addition here as well. Store in mason jars filled to the very top to reduce oxidation of the juice.  Mine lasts for 4 or 5 days in the fridge this way.  Of course, it is always best to drink it right away if you can juice freshly every time.

Watch the YouTube Video here


  1. have celery listed twice on the ingredients for this juice. Is that a mistake? If so, what is the other green? Thanks :)

  2. I think I responded to this once, I'm sorry if you didn't get it! I was looking over the blog and it is doing some weird things! Like the all caps above...that is not the way I typed it! lol, Looks like I'm yelling at everyone. I am most definitely not yelling.

    Anyway, the other green would be cilantro. Sorry bout that :)
